This unicorn does ballet.
And he’s not too happy about it.
My Diary
2021 - 2025
My life (rapid fire)
ITP/IMA/LOWRES Winter Show Promotion
October - December 2024
Selected to create animations, illustrations, and stickers to promote the IMA, ITP and LowRes Winter show.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl Project
January 2024
Commissioned by indie Brooklyn band Brea Fournier and the Dream Ballet to create animations for their upcoming album release, Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
December 2024 Created using Blender. A recreation of my childhood stuffed animal, Dolores the Slow Loris, in 3D, down to the ‘scars’ (white rips) on her arms and shiny eyeballs. When I was 10, Dolores reflected my infatuation with animal preservation (I bought her through a WWF package). Now, she represents my strange obsession with digitally preserving my childhood.
Documenting my life through illustration-- shoes that make me bleed, my childhood bedroom that I moved back into, portraiture, random sketches & notes.
Products marketed towards women are often significantly more expensive than men. Paint a shampoo bottle pink and it’s suddenly costs $30 instead of $5! Find Something Pink materializes this concept--when you hold anything pink up to the camera and click on it, the shampoo becomes more expensive. Try it yourself using the link!